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Killer Whale Strikes Back. Stories of animal resistance

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★Rights sold in Spanish.
★A book about animal resistance, but not from the “human activism” point of view. It’s not about us saving the whales, but rather how whales can save themselves from us. This is a book about evolution and forced coexistence.
★English sample available.


Chicago, 2012. A man drowns in an artificial lake after being attacked by a swan, making it the only known case of a human death by swan-related causes. The man’s family sues the local authorities, asking the rea-son why “dangerous swans” are being put into lakes. Our relationship with animals is distorted: after having explored every corner of the globe, and reshaped the environment to our whims, we consider ourselves the dominant species on the planet. We apply this frame to animals too, and we want to control them in every possible way, caging and exploiting them. Sometimes, they do not comply.

Killer whale strikes back analyzes the human relationship with animals, showcasing their resilience and the unexpected ways they are able to survive exploitation, control, and even thrive in some cases.


Roberto Inchingolo has a degree in Natural Sci-ences at the University of Bologna and a Master in Science Communication at the International School for Advanced Studies in Trieste. He has worked as a freelance science writer and as communication co-ordinator for the University of Cambridge, the Insti-tute of Cancer Research in London and the Human Brain Project in Marseille. He has published three popular science books: Perché ci piace il pericolo (Sironi Editore, 2013), Il bias della razza (Durango Edizioni, 2018) e Zoocrazia, la vita politica degli animali (Duran-go Edizioni, 2021). After finishing this book, he went back to being a vegetarian.

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