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Letters for Lucia: 8 Principles for Navigating Adversity

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"Through the worst possible means -- his daughter's abduction -- a father uncovers a great deal about life and himself in this engrossing work." - Kirkus Reviews

"The book is a story of forgiveness, of lessons and growth and offers proof that even in times of terrible hardship, it is possible to not only go on, but also to thrive." - Luxury Reading

"By sharing his personal story, David Brown Jr. takes us on a ride from chaos, loss and betrayal to the ultimate spiritual qualities of forgiveness, acceptance, gratitude and unconditional love." - Dr. Kathy Murphy, Ph.D.

"Eat, pray, love was yesterday's mantra. David Brown Jr. has given us a new path: listen, learn, grow!" - Dr. Ronald Paul Hill, Ph.D.


A new husband and father, David, finds himself dealing with the largest tragedy of his life, the international abduction of his 11-month old daughter. Rather than being governed by resentment and anger, he begins to see life from a lens of compassion and forgiveness. Reflecting on the experiences of the separation from his daughter, David recognizes that he is in the middle of a spiritual awakening, which birthed 8 principles that allowed him to find peace. Not knowing if he will ever see his daughter again, David writes letters to his daughter sharing the principles, hoping that she practices them as she grows up. He explains to readers how the principles can be applied so they too can find peace in their lives.

Letters for Lucia is a story of love, forgiveness, and healing.

If you are currently dealing with a form of adversity in your life, or are holding on to issues from the past, this book will inspire you to change how you perceive and manage life through your circumstances. In addition to sharing his story, David includes reflection questions which encourage the reader to take their own journey of self-discovery to identify and work through blocks that can prevent peace. His management of the separation from his daughter will provide you with hope, while explaining a set of principles that can change how you manage adversity and interact with people around you each day.


David Brown Jr:

David Brown Jr. is a former senior leader in financial services. He earned his degree in finance at University of Delaware and an Executive MBA at Villanova, as well as, studying organizational leadership, psychology of leadership and organizational dynamics. He has a high desire to encourage others to awaken to their passions and begin to lead more purposeful lives. Sharing his personal story awakened his heart to loving kindness and compassion and further fueled his desire to help others. David is a certified Reiki Master practitioner and life transformation coach.

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