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First Menstrual Period

  • adolescence
  • Categories:Literature & Fiction
  • Language:Korean(Translation Services Available)
  • Publication date:December,2022
  • Pages:128
  • Retail Price:(Unknown)
  • Size:150mm×210mm
  • Page Views:13
  • Words:(Unknown)
  • Star Ratings:
  • Text Color:Full color
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This book shows the mood of a girl who is menstruating for the first time in delicate words, and is a book to help children grow mentally, develop a positive attitude toward menstruation and love themselves.
- Lin Yonglin, the health teacher at Ssanglim Elementary School in North Gyeongsang Province


★Enjoy the changes in your body and mind through this book, teaching girls to frankly and calmly cope with the awkward little things during their periods.
★Entering adolescence, life begins to have different stages, and the arrival of menstrual period is exactly the most important stage of life for girls, why can't you be proud to admit it?
★The growth story of three 12-year-old girls allows readers to find their own selves in the story, and encourages girls to be brave and be themselves in an intuitive and vivid way.


Why the idea of "period shame"?
Yingen, Sudan and Ji-ah were best friends. One day, they came to school and found Sudan slumped at her desk. When they asked Su Dan what was wrong, she only said, "That's coming." What was "that"? Have not come to menstruation Yingen puzzled, and Ji-ah, who has a sister, could only vaguely guess. Why didn’t Sudan directly say menstruation? In TV shows and novels, girls never talk about their periods, as if they don't know what menstruation is and as if menstruating is taboo. Children's storybooks should naturally talk about menstruation. Menstruation is not a name to hide or something to be replaced with something else.


That One? - Yingen's Story
The Day She Got Her First Period - Sudan's Story
Am I the Only One Still Young? - Ji-ah's Story
Hate Menarche Parties.
Should I Hold Back When It Hurts?
A Health Teacher's Menstrual Course
We're Twelve Years Old
Appendix Take a Physiology Cass with a Health Teache


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