
Another Fine Mess

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Now that we’ve pretty much ruined planet Earth―no big secret―science tells us the human race could be doomed. Well, not all science, but some of it, enough to have sparked a lively interest in setting up someplace else.
But where?

The answer is the moon of course, and that’s what this book explores: the many ways in which today’s scientists, entrepreneurs, architects and, yes, a few loonies are working to get colonies established there ASAP. Filled with research, interviews and expert projections, these pages reveal how a web of fantastic new technologies could give mankind a brand new start off-world.

The only worm in the ointment is human nature. It’s the one thing pioneers in this business almost never discuss. Yet it’s of vital concern: given a second chance on the moon, will we use it to create at last a sane and peaceful society? Or will we make a desperate hash of things all over again?

Here’s your doorway to the moon of tomorrow. Pass through and decide for yourself.


Pope Brock is a writer, teacher and DJ living in Arlington, Massachusetts. He is the author of three books: Indiana Gothic (Doubleday/Nan A. Talese), about the murder of his great-grandfather; Charlatan: America’s Most Dangerous Huckster, The Man Who Pursued Him and The Age of Flim Flam (Crown), about the most successful quack in American history, and Another Fine Mess: Life on Tomorrow’s Moon (Red Hen Press, forthcoming), a work of what might be called speculative nonfiction. His articles have appeared in GQ, Esquire, Rolling Stone, the London Sunday Times Magazine and many other publications. Since 2005 he has taught in the low-residency MFA Writing Program at the University of Nebraska.

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