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Universe Exploration Revealed: Solar System Family

  • Science
  • Categories:Science, Nature & How it Works
  • Language:Simplified Ch.
  • Publication date:March,2023
  • Pages:160
  • Retail Price:88.00 CNY
  • Size:210mm×285mm
  • Page Views:71
  • Words:172K
  • Star Ratings:
  • Text Color:(Unknown)
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English title 《 Universe Exploration Revealed: Solar System Family 》
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★ The solar system is centered on the sun, and all celestial bodies around it that are constrained by the sun's gravity are members of the solar system. There are many "family members" in this large family of solar systems, among which Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are the eight planets we are most familiar with, bathed in the heat wave of the sun and operating in cycles. Let's open this book and explore the secrets of the solar system family!
★ You can enjoy reading while acquiring new information because of the language's vividness and attractiveness, as well as its wealth and accuracy of its knowledge points.
★ This book is equipped with AR visual enhancement effects, allowing you to immerse yourself in the universe, travel in space, and experience the charm of the universe firsthand.

Universe Exploration Revealed: Exploring the Galaxy, Universe Exploration Revealed: Solar System Family, Universe Exploration Revealed: Our Home, and Universe Exploration Revealed: Interstellar Exploration.


Our Earth is one of the eight planets in the solar system. The warm sun provides essential energy for life on Earth, and the celestial structure of the solar system is also an important condition for the evolution of life on Earth. In the big family of solar systems, why is Pluto disqualified as a planet? Why is Uranus called the "laziest planet"? Why is Neptune a planet found on the tip of a pen? And where did the asteroid come from?...
This interesting knowledge is in this book, let's have a look!


Zhao Dongyao has a Ph.D. in Astronomy from the University of Nottingham, UK. After graduation, she joined the Coventry Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics at Peking University for postdoctoral work, and then joined the Scientific Research Department of Beijing Planetarium to continue her astrophysical research. She has published more than ten articles in SCI international astronomy journals, and has led and participated in several national projects and programs.


Chapter 1 The Solar System
The Solar System
The Origin of the Solar System
Inner Solar System
The Wandering Asteroids
Distant Friends
Eight Planets
The Boundary of the Solar System
"Make" A Solar System

Chapter 2 The Sun
A Hot Stove
The Surface of the Sun
How Far Is the Sun From Us
Life of the Sun

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