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Natural Legend: Creatures Depend on Each Other

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★A set of children's popular science picture books that introduce all things on earth to children, vividly showing legendary stories from nature to them!
★Here, children can learn 100 kinds of edible crops, 160 kinds of huge and various birds, 100 kinds of various plants that children are familiar with and 150 kinds of animals and plants that are interdependent with each other!
★Knowledge Science: This book is edited by professional scholars, with experts from the Chinese Academy of Sciences controlling the quality of the manuscript, and a top team participating in the entire process!
★Combining education with entertainment: The book show children the interesting living conditions of all things in nature, letting them walk into the nature and learn about the natural wonders and ecological mysteries of the world!
★Easy to read for children: The book uses simple languages with a sense of rhythm, paired with a warm painting style!
★Play and learn some popular science knowledge by scanning the QR Codes: Watch the animation while using your brain!

This series includes 4 titles:
How Long Can Plants Live;
How Do Grains Grow;
How Do Birds Build Nests;
Creatures Depend on Each Other.


Why are there flowers that eat animals in the world? Why are there plants that survived thousands of years in the desert? …
The book popularizes 150 kinds of interdependent animals and plants, showing the interdependence of creatures all over the world. It includes 96 kinds of mutualistic creatures, allowing children to experience the complex food chain cycle in the world. By introducing the situations in which various species in the earth's ecosystem rely on each other for mutual survival, the book sparks children’s curiosity about the nature and stimulates their awareness to protect the animals, plants, and nature.


Guo Hongwei

Guo HW is a visiting professor, and doctoral supervisor. He won The National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars. He is also the Director of the Institute of Food Nutrition and Safety at Southern University of Science and Technology. He mainly specializes in researches on Plant Molecular Biology and Plant Genetics, having deep attainments in the field of Phytohormone Biology. He published dozens of papers in top international journals.


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