

  • Dmitry Bykov
  • Categories:Science Fiction & Fantasy
  • Language:Russian(Translation Services Available)
  • Publication date:June,2021
  • Pages:384
  • Retail Price:(Unknown)
  • Size:145mm×220mm
  • Page Views:109
  • Words:(Unknown)
  • Star Ratings:
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English title 《 List 》
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★This book won the "Bronze Snail" Fantasy Literature Award.
★From the multiple winner of the Russian Book Award - the famous contemporary Russian novelist, biographer and poet Dmitry Bykov.


The life of the Moscow screenwriter Sviridov no longer belongs to him: because he has entered a mysterious list whose purpose is known only to some special intelligence officers, his every move is monitored. What is going on, is it a social experiment or something? How to deal with the fear that pervades your whole life? A book about a confrontation between a man and a country that threatens to punish him. A story reminiscent of a Kafkaesque "trial" in Russian reality. The novel continues the tradition of Nabokov's Invitation to Beheading, depicting a man overwhelmed by the guilt imposed on him, and the absurdity of that existence.


【Author】Dmitry Bykov (1967)
Famous contemporary Russian novelist, biographer and poet Kim.
Professor at the Department of World Literature at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, and visiting professor at Princeton University.
Winner of the Russian National Bestseller Award and the Big Book Award! Wrote biographies of Pasternak, Okujawa and Gorky, which have been translated and published in many languages.
Bykov was an energetic, creative, and extremely prolific writer with a vast body of work. In addition, he served as editor-in-chief of the literary magazine "What to Read" and became a well-known literary critic. In addition to his brilliant achievements in the field of literature, Bekov, as a co-founder of the "citizen poet" movement, has always been an active participant in literary discussions and a vigorous practitioner of new media, bravely devoted himself to political criticism and social reform, It enjoys a high reputation at home and abroad. As a scholar, Bykov does not shy away from politics, he tries to find the root of Russia's modern political problems, and despite some negative views of Russian politics, Bykov has a positive view on Russia's future.

In 2004, the work "Orthography" won the international "Strugatsky" (named after the famous Soviet science fiction writers, the Strugatsky brothers) Science Fiction Literature Award;
In 2005, the work "Defense" was selected as the best prose work in "Literary Russia";
In 2006, the work "Evacuated People" won the International "Strugatsky" Literature Award and "Bronze Snail" Literature Award;
In 2006, his work "The Biography of Pasternak" won the Russian National Bestseller Award and the Great Book Award (Gold Award);
In 2007, the work "Life" won the international "Strugatsky" Science Fiction Literature Award, and was shortlisted for the Russian National Bestseller Award and the finalist of the Big Book Award;
In 2008, the work "Vacation" won the "Portal" Literature Award;
In 2009, the work "List" won the "Bronze Snail" Literature Award;
In 2011, the work "Ostromov" won the "Portal" Literature Award, the Russian National Bestseller Award and the Big Book Award (Bronze Award) successively;
In 2012, the poetry collection was shortlisted for the "Bunin" International Literary Award;
year 2013. The work "X" won the International "Strugatsky" Science Fiction Literature Award;
In 2018, the work "June" won the Big Book Award (Bronze Award).

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