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When Your Parents Divorce: A Kid-to-Kid Guide to Dealing with Divorce

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"Really an excellent book addressing a very tough and painful transition in life, especially for children."- Dr. Thomas K. Tsao, M.D., DLFAPA, Child Psychiatrist

"Using authentic straight talk Kimberly King has a unique way of weaving the issues and feelings children often experience into a supportive easy to read book. In a very special way, this book puts divorce into a compassionate framework which lets your children know the very important message that they can get through the difficult experience of their parents' divorce, while continuing to be a family. - Jeffrey Zimmerman, Ph.D., Psychologist and Co-author "The Co-parenting Survival Guide: Letting Go of Conflict After a Difficult Divorce.

"I highly recommend this book for families experiencing divorce. The book is written from the child's perspective and is interactive and helps answer the "tough" issues that come up as families deal with the transition of divorce. - Dianne Malaspina, Educational Psychologist

"As a family law attorney who deals on a daily basis with the impact of divorce on families and children, I highly recommend "When Your Parents Divorce" to anyone contemplating a divorce or already going through the process" - Debra C. Albiston, Kaufman & Canoles, P.C.

"Divorce is an incredibly stressful and emotional process for children and adults. This book is a great resource for families. Utilizing the strategies in this book can help parents focus on the issues that matter the most- the well-being of their children." - Sheera R. Herrell, JD, CFP®

A delightful guide on an emotional life-altering event - divorce. This book is full of important and helpful information for children and parents dredging through the hard times together." - Lynn Yvonne Moon, author of The Tower for MG students

"An much needed book that does a beautiful job explaining the process of divorce and the importance of positive communication between parents and children. I recommend using this book in therapy sessions to help families.- Lori Secchiaroli, LCSW, Special Education Administrator


Divorce can be a traumatic experience for children, but parents can do a lot to help ease stress and uncertainty. When Your Parents Divorce is an effective tool that parents can use to help children with questions and concerns that arise during this difficult and stressful time. Told from a child’s perspective, using clear and kid-friendly language, When Your Parents Divorce will help you and your children adjust to divorce in a positive, cooperative and supportive way. Not to mention spare yourself and your children hours of therapy, custody battles, and parent alienation.


Kimberly King(author):

Kimberly King is an author, certified early-childhood educator and speaker. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in childhood development and family studies from University of Maine and a Master of Science degree in early childhood education. She is the author of " I Said No!” a best-selling children’s book about sexual-abuse prevention, and the newly revised edition of, “When Your Parents Divorce” a kid-to-kid guide to dealing with divorce.
Kimberly has recently published Finding Your Fit- a kid to kid guide to fitness, food and feelings with Koehler Kids, an imprint of Koehler Books. Preface for Finding Your Fit by Jim White or Jim White Fitness and Nutrition.
Kimberly lives with her family in the Coastal Virginia region and is available for media interviews, sexual abuse prevention training, family life instruction, school visits, and author signings.

Julissa Mora(illustrator):

Julissa Mora was born and raised in Miami in a Cuban household. She's been drawing since the day her grandfather introduced her to the magical world of art. Her inspiration comes from. Her childhood memories of doing all silly things kids do.

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