
The Clean-up Crew (Finn's Fun Trucks)

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There are countless machines that help to keep our city clean. Everything from a garbage truck to a street sweeper has a very special job. Do you know what it is? Lift the page to learn about what each machine does and discover what happens when they all work together!


Finn Coyle is an expert on trucks. Don't believe me? Just ask him! Finn LOVES trucks - and not just a little - he loves them A LOT! He loves all kinds of trucks and knows all about them and all the things they can do. While hanging out with his friend Pat, they decided to write a book about all the trucks he loves. Pretty cool for a guy who is only ten years old, right? Finn lives in Franklin, Tennessee, with his mom, dad, two sisters, and his dog Jackson. Jackson loves trucks, too.

Srimalie Bassani lives and works in Mantova, Italy. Her mother has always encouraged her artistic expression, and she is the inspiration for her passion. Her work is always full of surprises. She always tries to diversify her style based on every story she illustrates. It's almost impossible to remove her from her writing desk, where she keeps a stack of books and teacups of many colors.


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