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Fostering Children’s Frustration Tolerance

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Mainland China(Simplified Ch.)


“Parents cannot change the world, but through this book, they can change the competitiveness of their children.”— Tong Lijing, a Specialist in Special Education

“By building children’s inner strength, hope and optimism, they will be able to move forward with confidence even in the face of highly difficult challenges.”— Xu Yucheng, a Retired Elementary School Principal

“This book helps parents shift their focus on their children from weaknesses to strengths.” — Chen Fangyi, the author of “Teaching Children to Have Positive Attitudes”

“This book provides the clearest direction and the best shortcuts.”— Tong Lijing, the author of “9 Keys to Keeping Your Child’s Behavior from Getting Out of Hand”

“Parents can definitely teach children with high frustration tolerance with the advice and guidance from the author.”— Hu Linmei, a Middle School Teacher


★The copyright of simplified Chinese has been sold!


Eight thinking indicators for teaching children with highly frustration tolerance.

High frustration tolerance is more important than high EQ. A child with high frustration tolerance will be able to face all the challenges in life with confidence and determination, fine-tuned thinking and empathy, and change his or her life for the better!
Why do parents insist on pointing out their children’s shortcomings and correcting them in ways that undermine their self-esteem? How can parents rewrite their negative parenting scripts to help their children become thoughtful, confident and courageous? The answer lies in the Eight Thinking Indicators!
⊙Great empathy with children’s situation
⊙Proficient and active skills of listening
⊙The ability to write positive parenting scripts with principles in mind
⊙Acceptance of children’s nature is fundamental to positive parenting scripts
⊙Helping children experience success lessons
⊙Developing a “healthy” attitude towards mistakes for children
⊙Enhance your child’s problem solving and decision making skills
⊙Discipline approaches that foster frustration tolerance

To change children’s ‘negative script for life’, parents are supposed to do:

.Parents should not waste their time and energy on correcting their children’s shortcomings, but rather on helping their children to expand their spiritual capacity.
.When a child is challenged by adversity, timely assistance from parents can quickly restore their confidence from frustration.
.Children who are able to overcome setbacks are more likely to see mistakes as opportunities to learn rather than as a sign of failure.
.Empathy doesn’t mean that a parent agrees with everything a child does, but rather it represents an effort to appreciate and accept the child’s point of view.
.Empathy has nothing to do with “giving in to children” or “spoiling children” or “setting appropriate limits for children”.
.When a child realizes his or her strengths, he or she will be more willing to take on challenges in other non-specialized areas.
.We must reflect on how we want them to describe us if we are to foster frustration of children.
.Parents can put themselves in their children’s shoes without necessarily agreeing with what they are doing. Parents can also accept their children’s feelings and beliefs without necessarily endorsing them.


Zhang Shufen

Doctor of psychology, currently working as a university teacher and a clinical psychotherapist, living in the United States and raising two daughters. Her books include: “The Homeopathic Parenting Method for Teaching ‘Emotionally Relaxed’ Children”, and “53 Parenting Problems to Solve with Children”.

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