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That's not it, Mari Carmen

  • relationship
  • Categories:Marriage & Adult Relationships
  • Language:Spanish(Translation Services Available)
  • Publication date:February,2025
  • Pages:416
  • Retail Price:(Unknown)
  • Size:140mm×220mm
  • Page Views:12
  • Words:(Unknown)
  • Star Ratings:
  • Text Color:(Unknown)
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English title 《 That's not it, Mari Carmen 》
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A book that will help you understand why your past relationships didn't work out. Why the "almosts" hurt so much. Why you haven't connected with anyone for a long time. Why someone who was going great has suddenly fizzled out. What are the chances of a non-relationship becoming a relationship. How to break that pattern that repeats itself over and over again. How to choose the best partner for you. How to build a healthy relationship... And many more questions.


Silvia Llop graduated in psychology from the University of Barcelona. She continued her studies by completing a master's degree in Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) at the Mens Venilia school and a postgraduate degree in Practical Psychotherapy at Mensalus, as well as several courses on emotional intelligence. She is a member of the International Federation of Coaching and Mentoring. Before focusing on the psychology of love and relationships, she worked in different areas, such as marketing, customer service, creative writing and psychotherapy for children. Each of these provided her with experiences that helped her grow personally and professionally. Since she decided to focus on people who are looking for love and want to create stable and long-lasting relationships, she has discovered her true calling and is happier than ever.

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