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★This story provides adequate information for children on sexual harassment in a delicate way, raising the chances of reversing and preventing this crime through education and literature.


How do we talk to children and adolescents about sexual violence? 2021 Data from the Brazilian Ministry of Health and the Public Safety Forum show that every day around 100 children and adolescents under the age of 14 are sexually abused, 67% of the violence takes place in the victim's home and is often committed by acquaintances, and 85% of the victims are girls, especially between the ages of 6 and 10.
Faced with this distressing figure, journalist and editor Denise Natale decided to write such a book to discuss the issue with children in a light-hearted and fun way. Denis approached judge Tatiane Moreira Lima and illustrator Veridiana Scarpelli and together they told us the story of the Cat Estrela
, and the book THE BODY IS MINE, NO ONE TOUCHES was born.

Estrela is a happy, playful, and loved cat. She loves sports and practices jumping every day. She wants to compete in the Forest Olympic Games. Good student, everything is going well in her
life, until she meets Shady Fox, the fox which is a friend of her father, who one fine day shows up unexpectedly at her house.
Gradually, with gifts and games, Shady Fox wins the friendship of the cat and her brothers. In special of Estrela. Then begins the harassment of the cat, which involves secrets that the family
cannot know, hidden visits to the fox's house and many threats.
So, what happens to Estrela? Alone will she be able to get rid of Shady Fox? Will he be punished for her actions? The delicate topic is still taboo in many families and even in schools. So why talk about sexual harassment with children? The chances of reversing and preventing cases of abuse lie in providing children with adequate information about their bodies.


Denise Natale
She is a journalist and has worked in the main press vehicles in Brazil. She is also the publisher and director of Editora Papagaio.

Tatiane Moreira Lima
She is a judge specialized in cases of domestic violence against women.

Veridiana Scarpelli
She is an architect and has illustrated several books and articles in newspapers and magazines.

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