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Why We Believe In Bullshit

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Mainland China (Simplified Ch.)


When a conspiracy theory goes from an idea to a fact and poses a danger, it is most important to cultivate a critical spirit, so that people learn to distinguish which information has a reliable source and which does not; learn to self-reflect before sharing information with others . We live in the age of an information plague, an age of information avalanches of true and false, relevant and junk. […] We see the dangers of unfiltered internet communication, the lack of human reference, the demands of society in the age of individualism, the ill effects of political polarization, and how easy it will be to manipulate the masses to a dystopian future.
—— El País

[…] Incredibly fewer people are vaccinated in California than in South Sudan, where they’re willing to pay whatever it takes to get vaccinated. There is a problem with the claims of credulous first-world anti-vaccineists, and no one knows what these millions will pay. Psychologist Ramón Nogueras described the mechanisms by which this psychology arises, namely selective memory, information bias, authority principles, etc.
—— ABC

The astonishing proliferation of rumors and the sheer number of people willing to believe what they want to believe, reveals in a new book, "Why We Believe In Bullshit," psychologist, professor, and popular science author Ramón Nogueras, makes us prone to accepting apparent incompatibility with reality. The psychology of the theory makes us reflect on how to deal with the "side effects" of information.
—— RT Spain


★Copyright sold: Simplified Chinese!
★Covid-19 vaccine is harmful? Kim Jong Un is a clone? The government has been controlled by cultists? In his new book "Why We Believe In Bullshit" Spanish psychologist and best-selling psychology author Ramón Nogueras explains why humans tend to subscribe to absurd and unfounded rumors. Using professional viewpoints and sharp brushwork, he pointed out the current situation of gullible rumors and conspiracy theories in today's society, and analyzed the reasons for their existence.
★Recommended by many media such as El país, ABC, Aragón Radio and Catalunya Ràdio! This book has been reprinted 7 times so far!
★If there is one thing that has marked the historical evolution of the world over the past year, it is uncertainty.The international community faces a severe ecological crisis that still threatens the planet, an unprecedented global pandemic has sullied human reality with a disturbing dystopian tone, and the world is engulfed in a global chaos of disease and death.
★At no time in human history has there been better access to information, and our understanding of the world we live in and how it works is profound. This book takes readers on a wondrous journey to reflect on our misconceptions about the world and ourselves.


Never before in history have we humans had better access to information than we do now.
Never before has our knowledge about the world we live in and how it works been greater.

So how is it possible that we still believe in hoaxes and superstitions? Why do we assume that fake news is true and spread theories that haven’t been demonstrated? How can we explain that, despite vast amounts of scientific evidence, we are not willing to change or even modify our opinions just a little?

The answers to these questions have multiple causes. To start, we’ll analyze why humans are far from being rational creatures. We’ll understand how we process information in a way that is far from being objective because, in a word, we believe what we want to believe. We’ll also review why our memories are not reliable and how human beings create false memories in an almost perfect way.

This book takes us on an amazing journey towards understanding that almost everything we believe about the world and ourselves is wrong.


Ramón Nogueras

Holds a degree in Psychology from the Universidad de Granada and a Master’s degree in Human Resources from the ESNA Foundation. Apart from his work as a psychologist, he is devoted to educating others about psychology, in an effort to make people more familiar with this exciting science and warn them about the immense amount of fraud and pseudo-science surrounding it.

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