
We are in space. How a man walked towards the stars

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★Next year, the world will mark the 60th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin flight into space. This books for children is to celebrate this date.
★It tells a brief history of space exploration!


  The book tells a brief history of space exploration. Geocentric system by Ptolemy of Alexandria defined a view of the world order up to the 16th century. Copernicus was able to change it. He formulated and explained the heliocentric model. The launch of the first satellite in 1957 marked the real beginning of the space age. After this events developed rapidly: the first man in space, the first man on the Moon, launching orbital stations, the first space tourist. About everything this you will read in the book.  
  For the convenience of young readers, important dates are collected separately. Three chronological scales reminiscent of the Milky Way will not allow you to get lost in many facts.

"Of course, when dealing with such complex structures as orbital stations, there was a risk of emergency. The biggest one occured in 1985 on “Salut-7”. Recently a movie even came out about it. The movie added some drama, but the reality had a lot of it, too. While “Salut-7” was on orbit without crew, it lost connection with Earth. The station also started to spin uncontrollably. No one could understand what was happening. In order to investigate the situation and rescue the station a special expedition was assembled. The leader was USSR’s most experienced astronaut (four flights!) Vladimir Dzhanibekov. He had experience with manual docking - and that’s what he was required to do. His assistant was Viktor Savinykh, who took part in designing “Saluts”. Of all the astronauts he knew the station the best.
On June 8 1985 Dzhanibekov and Savinykh accomplished the improbable. Using a night vision gear and a laser rangefinder they approached the “dead” station, adjusted to it’s spin and docked. As Valery Ryumin, who guided the expedition from Earth, later said, the astronauts were docking with a 20-ton boulder."


Chapter 1 “People of the past look to the sky”: about geocentric and heliocentric models
Chapter 2 "On a rocket - away from the Earth": the design of rockets, the invention of rocket fuel
Chapter 3 "The first people in space": Gagarin, Shepard, Tereshkova, Leonov, Komarov, Armstrong
Chapter 4 “Around the Earth”: exploration of the moon, scientific experiments in space, orbital stations, Janibekov’s mission, shuttles
Chapter 5 “To other worlds”: the study of the nearest planets - Venus and Mars, flights to other planets, Elon Musk


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