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3D Age of the Knights

  • Knight
  • Categories:Picture Books
  • Language:Others
  • Publication date:
  • Pages:64
  • Retail Price:(Unknown)
  • Size:240mm×264mm
  • Page Views:226
  • Words:(Unknown)
  • Star Ratings:
  • Text Color:(Unknown)
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English title 《 3D Age of the Knights 》
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★ The 3D series is the signature series of interactive books that use three-dimensional illustrations. These spectacular designs allow for a more realistic demonstration of particular scenes about, for instance, the compositions of animals, or snapshots of grand historical battles and important events. The 3D technology turns these scenes into real experiences which enhance the pleasure of reading about historical eras and achievements, and also of learning about intriguing scientific facts of our planet's past and present flora and fauna.
★ Rights sold to China’s Mainland, Russia, Czech republic, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Vietnam, Kazakhstan, and Bulgaria.
★ Full English translations available.

8 titles are included in this series: Microworld, Ice Age, Age of Knights, Dinosaurs, Endangered Wild Life, Human Body, Marine Animals, Mysterious Worlds.


The idea of the knight is usually associated in our minds with images of fearless crusaders of the middle ages, as they are charging on the battlefield with their spears forward, testing their strength in duels, or going on adventures accompanied by their loyal squires. Their armor is shiny with sunlight. Their shields are emblazoned with lions, eagles, and dragons. Their capes are sailing behind them, and the wind flutters royal flags above their plumed helmets... Did these invincible warriors really look and behave like that? Did medieval people really live such romantic lives?
This volume answers these, and many other, questions introducing to the reader the lives of pages and squires, the training of knights, the development of knights weaponry, and the bloody battles of medieval wars and crusades. The volume also provides a glimpse behind the castle walls. You can get to know how castles were built, besieged, and defended; the way knights and the people of the castle lived their daily lives; how lords were hunting and the grandeur of a royal feast. You can get to experience the invigorating atmosphere of tournaments and duels, while also getting to feel the calmness of the lives of the villagers, town dwellers, and the church staff.
The gripping descriptions of the volume come with uniquely detailed, historically loyal, and artistic illustrations that do more than simply demonstrating the descriptions' content: they help the get a deeper understanding and a visual overview of the medieval age.

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