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Welcome to the Mythland of Mountains and Seas

Every mountain here has a beast, every sea has a legend. 
★ An all-encompassing ancient mythological masterpiece, the progenitor of Chinese fantasy and magical literature!
★ Deities, mythical beasts, nations, mountains, minerals, plants... Eccentric yet fascinating, wonderful and rich.
★ With cute and colorful illustrations and lively language, it leads readers on a journey through the fantastical world of Eastern mythology, stimulating imagination.

★ History and geography enthusiasts, as well as those who love to explore mysterious and peculiar things, must not miss this.
★ Perhaps, this world truly existed — offering you a different fantastical cognition and imagination about the world.

The "The Mythland of Mountains and Seas" selection includes:
- "Wow! The Fantasy World of 'Mountains and Seas'" series (2 volumes) : "Mountain Classic" and "Sea Classic"
- "We Originate from 'Classic of Mountains and Seas'" series (4 volumes): "Exotic Beasts Part", "Mysterious Nations Part", "Fantasy Creatures Part", "Mythology of Deities Part"

Wow! The Fantasy World of "Mountains and Seas" Series(2 volume)

Categories:Classics Fairy Tales, Folk Tales & Myths Picture Books   Language:Simplified Ch.
   Publishing date:2024   Pages:112 pages per book   

★ This series is based on the classic original "Classic of Mountains and Seas" and uses a "picture-to-text" creative technique. For the first time in the history of children's book publishing, it has achieved a fully illustrated interpretation of the vast and complex content of "Classic of Mountains and Seas". With thousands of original illustrations, readers can transcend time and space and immerse themselves in the world of "Classic of Mountains and Seas".

★ The "Sea Classic" restores the forms and distribution maps of 126 mysterious countries in "Classic of Mountains and Seas", depicting multiple ancient legends.

★ The "Mountain Classic" deeply restores the distribution of 606 mountains, 98 types of minerals, nearly 300 rivers, as well as the locations and characteristics of 171 strange beasts, 99 strange birds, 52 strange fish, and 190 strange trees and plants.

Hello, everyone! Welcome to the world of "Classic of Mountains and Seas"!
I am the adorable Spirit. If you have any questions about this world, feel free to ask me. Widen your eyes and follow me to meet some new friends——
Look! That's the Pi Yi Bird with only one eye and one wing—this bird can only fly when the left and right pair up and cooperate with each other.
In the distance, those who look like conjoined multiples might be the inhabitants of the Sanmiao Kingdom. People from this country enjoy walking one after another, sticking closely to each other.
Just passing by are the residents of the Three-Headed Kingdom, who all have one body with three heads. Their field of vision is incredibly broad!
Ah? What? You're saying you didn't understand what the person who asked for directions just said?
It's perfectly normal. The people of the Reverse-Tongue Nation have tongues that grow in reverse, and only they themselves can understand each other.
You ask how I know they were asking for directions? Shh—secret!
It seems your curiosity is growing quite wild! If I'm not by your side and you want to know more—quickly check out this set of "Wow! The Fantasy World of 'Mountains and Seas'"!

We Originate from "Classic of Mountains and Seas" Series(4 volumes)

Categories:Classics Fairy Tales, Folk Tales & Myths History, Geography & Culture Picture Bo…   Language:Simplified Ch.
   Publishing date:2024   Pages:238 pages per book       Size:265mm × 210mm


★ This series reinterprets the ancient "Classic of Mountains and Seas" from a fresh perspective, presenting this classicin a brand-new light. It has also received recommendations from severalexperts. Wu Zhiliang, a history doctor from Nanjing University, Sun Luyang,deputy director of the Science Popularization and Publicity Department of theNational Museum of Natural History, and Zhang Jinsuo, deputy director of theNational Museum of Natural History of the Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academyof Sciences, all gave high praise to this set of books.

★ The comic story at the beginning isparticularly captivating, just like a key that unlocks the door to thefantastical world of "Classic of Mountains and Seas".

★ The content of the book is classified bycountry, monster, plant and deity, making it easier for readers to understandwhat is in the "Classic of Mountains and Seas".

★ For example, monsters are classified bytheir abilities: some can resist fire, some can heal, some can relieve hunger,and some can cause floods or droughts, etc. Another example is that residentsare classified by their features: there are those with long arms, those withholes in their chests, those without intestines, those with only one arm, thosecovered in hair all over, and those with black teeth, etc. There are also someinteresting stories, such as that Yu was actually the second generation ofwater control heroes, Gonggong's stinginess caused the collapse of the Pillarof Heaven, and Xingtian could still be a war god even without a head.

★ The book also connects the modern worldwith the "Classic of Mountains and Seas". For instance, thehuman-faced bird described in the book might be the owl we see today; the ZhuYan, symbolizing a super war with red claws and a white head, is very likelythe white-cheeked leaf monkey.
In the magical world of “Classic of Mountains and Seas”, there are all kinds of wondrous creatures—

Dogs with beautiful fur, all over red, monkeys with white heads and red palms, mice with white mouths and white ears that bark like dogs—when encountered, you should know that war is imminent!
when you encountered snakes with two pairs of wings, snakes with one head and two bodies, snakes with red heads and white bodies that moo like cows... (Why are they all snakes?) Sigh, it seems that a drought is also about to occur!
If you want to catch good luck, then go find Dangkang and Jiao! Dangkang is a little pig that can call its own name "Dangkang", and Jiao is a small dog with ox horns and leopard spots, both of which are creatures symbolizing a bountiful harvest.
If you want to possess superpowers, try your luck to find the Bo Yi, which looks like a sheep, has a pair of sheep horns, four ears, nine tails, and its eyes are on its back. Legend has it that if one can use its fur, they will gain courage and fear nothing!

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