
The Great Montessori Stories Series: Characters

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★"The Universe" has been in top 1 best-selling children's books in the astronomy category on Amazon France for 20 weeks! “Life” has been in the top 10 best-selling children's books in the science category on Amazon France for 20 weeks!
★Maria Montessori found that from the age of six, children began to ask questions such as: Where does the world come from? Where does human come from? Why are human on earth? Why am I on earth? So these five big stories were created, and adults could tell the stories to their children, which not only answers their questions but also arise their imaginations about the universe, life, people, characters and numbers. Accompanied by these five enlightening science stories, children will enter the world of knowledge with surprise and admiration, and the first shock of knowledge plays a decisive role in children's self-affirmation of learning and understanding.
★A set of scientific books based on the Montessori Method!

This series includes 5 titles:


The first written traces of the Sumerians were mostly accounts of property lists. But writing quickly developed for writing epics (such as the Epic of Gilgamesh) and formulating legal codes (such as the Code of Hammurabi), and for communication across time and space. Cuneiform, hieroglyphics, Phoenician, Greek- these characters gradually transformed traditions, unified cultures, and told history.

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