

《 怎样在太空中敲钉子:我的国际空间站生活 》

  • 物理学力学航空航天国际空间站
  • 选题分类:航空/航天
  • 原版语种:俄语(可提供图书翻译服务)
  • 出版日期:2019年05月
  • 页数:256页
  • 图书定价:(不详)
  • 开本:145mm×218mm
  • 浏览次数:708
  • 字数:(不详)
  • 作品星级:
  • 内文印刷:彩色
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  谢尔盖•梁赞斯基分享了太空生活的那些趣事,从航天事业、日常工作、饮食、运动、日常清洁等。为什么人类要飞向太空,而不是无人机或机器人?宇航员每天上班都做些什么?国际空间站是如何建造的?为什么各国要在国际空间站上合作?太空旅游有可能成为大众旅游吗?空间站的空气和地球上的空气有什么不同?你怎样在国际空间站取水?空间站从哪里获得能量?在零重力环境下怎么进行跑步和器械运动?如果人们一直生活在失重状态,他们会是什么样子?如果你打一下喷嚏,会被弹到国际空间站对面的墙上吗?如果你把一只猫带进轨道,它将如何训练? 有可能在太空中钉一颗钉子吗?当你在太空中看地球的时候,你在想什么?你会觉得自己是地球和宇宙背景中的一粒沙子吗?把奥运火炬送到外太空是什么感觉?在国际空间站拍摄时使用什么摄影器材?等等。本书等待你的共有239个问题。




第一部分 关于太空,不止太空
Part 1. Space and beyond
What is space?
Why does humankind need space?
What are the goals of space industry?
Why do people and not drones or robots fly into space?
What has space industry done for you?
Why are we flying from Baikonur to Kazakhstan?
Where is the boundary between space and atmosphere?
How is the rocket arranged?
Why is the rocket flying?
What speed does it take to enter the orbit?
What speed does it take to get to the Moon and Mars?
Why isn’t the Earth flat?
Do you enjoy flying or is it about overcoming yourself?
Is there a possibility that space tourism will become mass tourism,
and a new technology will ease the g-load?
How has space affected technology and how will it affect it in the future?
How much does it cost to fly and keep cosmonauts at the station?
How much does the ISS cost Russia in a year?

第二部分 怎样成为宇航员
Part 2. How to become an astronaut?
Where can I find out about the recruitment of astronauts?
How often do the astronauts recruited?
Did you want to go into space as a child?
What do you need to know to become an astronaut?
What kind of education do you need?
Do you have to be a pilot?
What professions do you need in space industry?
Are there any health limitations on recruitment?
Are there age restrictions?
Are you given a second chance if you’ve been rejected?
What do cosmonauts learn?
What stars are visible from the orbit?
How do you train on a centrifuge, in a flight chamber
and a soundproof chamber?
What kind of physical training does an astronaut need?
How are the simulations of emergency and extreme situations performed
(landing or incidents)?
What would you call the most interesting training session?
what's the heaviest one?
How long does it take from approval to the the first flight?
What are the requirements to become a spacecraft crew member?
How is the psychological compatibility of the crew determined?
How do they choose a crew commander?
Is it hard to be an astronaut?
Do you feel scared before the flight?
Is there a cosmic sickness similar to that of the sea?
Do astronauts like to take amusement rides?
Few people know what an astronaut does on Earth.
What do astronauts do when they come to work every day?
And what does it mean for an astronaut to go to work every day?
What is the biggest difference between the profession of an astronaut and any other profession?
Is there a fixed start to the working day or is it a flexible schedule?
What about the weekend?
What is written in the astronaut's occupation record?
How long have you been working as an astronaut?
Is this work a well paid one?

第三部分 国际空间站飞行准备
Part three. Pre-flight preparation and flight to the ISS
How do astronauts live in Star City?
Why do you train not only in Russia, but also in other countries?
What do astronauts do before the flight?
Why do you need quarantine?
Are relatives allowed to visit astronauts during quarantine?
How does the day before the flight go?
What do you eat before the start?
Are there preflight traditions?
What do astronauts take with them to the station?
What kind of emergency situations may arise during takeoff and how are you prepared for them?
How is the flight pad arranged?
How is the Soyuz ship organised?
How do the three astronauts fit into the Soyuz?
What is the principle behind the crew's position in the Soyuz
and what's every member of the team responsible for?
How does the takeoff go?
Is it possible to look out the window during takeoff?
What is the temperature inside the Soyuz at takeoff?
Why is there a soft toy in Soyuz?
How and how long does it take for the rocket to reach the station?
How does the docking process go?
What kind of spacesuits are there and what are their peculiarities?

第四部分 国际空间站的生活
Part 4. Life on the International Space Station
How high does the ISS fly?
What is the distance to the ISS compared to?
How fast does the ISS fly?
Why does the ISS not fall?
How do you cope with the problem of garbage in orbit?
After all, there are so many rocket stages around,
satellites, meteorites, etc.
You are not involved in any evasive maneuver?
Does radiation affect astronauts?
Where does the station get its energy from?
How was the ISS built?
Why do countries work together on the ISS?
instead of building their own stations for themselves?
How are cargoes delivered to the ISS?
What does the interior of the ISS consist of? What are the interior items,
other than the equipment?
Whose portraits hang on the ISS?
Where does the air come from at the station?
What is the difference between air at the station and earthly air?
How do you deal with waste?
How do you get water at the ISS?
How is heat regulation arranged?
What is the temperature at the station?
What does an astronaut hear at the space station?
At the end of the flight do you pay attention to the noise at the station
or do you stop hearing it, getting used to it?
Are there sounds other than noise?
Did anything break during your flights?
Did you hear about it from the noise?
How do you get used to being weightless?
What kind of mistakes a typical earthman makes when he is on a near-Earth
orbit? For example, places objects on a flat surface,
so you don't drop or break them?
Is it possible to simulate the gravity on the station,
by making clothes and shoes with magnets?
How long do people get used to weightlessness?
How difficult is it?
Do you feel lost without support under your feet?
How does weightlessness affect health and well-being?
What would people look like if they lived in weightlessness all the time?
How do you move around the station in weightlessness?
Is it enough to sneeze to fly to the opposite wall of the ISS?
If you take a cat into orbit, how will she train?
Would you like to get an animal on the ISS?
Do you or other astronauts have animals at home?
How do you sleep in orbit?
What kind of dreams do you have in space?
How do you eat in weightlessness?
How to go to the toilet in weightlessness?
How do you clean up at the station?
What breaks down most often at the station?
How do you fix it?
Can everything be fixed in space?
Is it possible to hammer a nail in space?
What tools do you use to fix the station?
Do cosmonauts have "life hacks"? Are there things that aren't being used as intended?
Which time do you stick to at the ISS?
What is the daily routine of astronauts?
What is the difference between a day off and a workday?
How do astronauts rest?
Is there a special slang for communication at the station?
Have you missed the earth weather?
What if you want to be alone?
How much do you miss your family?
How are you struggling with the desire to return to Earth?
What thing would you call irreplaceable on ISS?
What scientific experiments have you conducted?
What was the most interesting experiment?
What are they studying on board the ISS at all?
Why do these experiments take place in space?
What is the longest experiment on ISS?
How does the ISS help scientists on Earth?
How to prepare for spacewalk?
How is the space suit arranged?
Does the space suit have a handkerchief for the nose?
Why is the astronaut always "tied" to the station,
when he goes out into outer space?
Why did the Americans make a "flying chair" and what is it?
Why go into outer space?
What did you feel the first time you went out?
How long does it take to go into outer space?
Who performed the first spacewalk?
Who made the longest spacewalk?
What difficulties arise when going into outer space?
Were you afraid?
Have you seen angels?
What did you think about when you looked at the Earth?
Do you feel like a grain of sand in the background of the Earth and the Universe when you are in space?
What was it like to carry the Olympic torch into outer space?
What to do if the suit is depressurized?
Were there any emergencies during your spacewalk?
Is it warm or cold in outer space?
How does the body change during flight (height, weight, etc.)?
What are you wearing at the station? What kind of shoes do you wear?
Have you met any aliens?
Is there a protocol for the first contact?
Have you ever launched a bottle with a note, like in the sea, so that one day at
a distant planet somebody read it?
Why do you need to do sports in space?
What kind of simulators are there at the station?
Is it true that sports tournaments are held at the ISS? For example, a tournament on
badminton. How many times do you organize such events?
How many times do you manage to fly around the Earth during a workout?
What do astronauts write with?
What do astronauts paint with?
What is the heart of the station?
Do the computers at the station complement each other? Or just have a Russian
sector and the American sector? If something goes wrong, can they replace each other?
How powerful are the computers on the station?
Is there an internet connection at the station? Is it fast?
How much time per day did you spend on social networks?
How do astronauts communicate with their families?
How did you get your birthday greetings?
How to contact an astronaut on the ISS?
Are there any restrictions for the information to be delivered to an astronaut?
How do you like to spend your free time at the station?
Do you watch a movie?
Do you listen to music?
What songs do astronauts consider hymns?
Do you read books on ISS?
How do you vote in an election if you are in space?
Have there been any serious conflicts at the station?
What to do to avoid them?
Why did you start taking pictures?
Do you take pictures of Earth?
What kind of photographic equipment is used when photographing on the ISS?
What is the "Dome" and why do you need it?
Where do you photograph from? Where are your favorite places at the station?
Which objects do you like to photograph most of all?
Do you photograph the same thing at different times?
Did you manage to take pictures of something strange?
What do others photograph?
Why does St. Petersburg look bad in the photo, and Moscow is great?
What other places are difficult to shoot?
What is the most expensive thing at the station?
How will the ISS be taken out off orbit?

第五部分 回到地球
Part 5. Returning to the Earth
How long does it take to get ready to return to the Earth?
What does this process include?
How do you prepare for return?
Do you land on the same rocket you started off?
Are there traditions before landing?
What is loaded into the compartment that burns in the atmosphere?
What did you take with you from the station?
What are the astronauts doing during the landing?
How does the detachment happen?
How did you feel when you saw the approaching Earth?
How long does it take to land?
How is the landing area selected?
Why do shuttles land on the runway like planes?
and the Soyuz to the ground?
How do they track the landing from the Earth?
What happens immediately after landing?
Why are astronauts wearing dark glasses?
Why weren't you wearing them?
When can you see your family?
Your feelings after the flight: what hurts the most?
Where are the astronauts taken after landing?
How long does it take to recover?
How does the body adapt to life on the Earth?
Can I forget my glass in the air?
What are the side effects of the flight?
When can we assume that the body has fully recovered?
How do astronauts report on their flight?

第六部分 飞行之后的生活
Part 6. Life after the flight
What kind of awards do astronauts get?
What do astronauts do after the flight?
What are the pros and cons of living on ISS compared to the Earth?
Was your second flight easier than your first one?
(emotionally, physically, in terms of preparation, adaptation, etc.)?
How much time must pass between flights?
Would you like to fly again? Do all astronauts want to come back
to the ISS?
Are there any restrictions on the number of flights?
What can you do after working as an astronaut?
Do astronauts keep in touch after the flight?
If you were lucky enough to participate in a lunar program
or Mars exploration, what duties would you like to perform?
If you had the opportunity to choose, where would you fly to: the moon
or Mars?
Is it possible to make an elevator into orbit?
When will we go to other planets?
What will be the future of astronautics?


怎样在太空中敲钉子:我的国际空间站生活 怎样在太空中敲钉子:我的国际空间站生活
★出版一年内已售出12,000册!翻译版权已售韩国! ★本书作者俄罗斯宇航员谢尔盖•梁赞斯基是太空史上第一位成为太空飞船指挥官的科学家!被俄罗斯总统普京授予俄罗斯联邦英雄“金星”奖章!其太空相关作品...


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